Please take a second to review the class contract and agreements
What does AVID stand for?
AVID is a college preparatory program that helps students in grades 7–12 prepare for college. AVID classes focus on academic success skills, such as writing, reading, and organization, to help students succeed in college and beyond. A: Advancement V:Via I: Individual D: Determination
Expectations for AVID Students
1) Attend All Your Classes, On Time, Every Day: AVID students are expected to attend all of their classes on a daily basis. Because AVID is a privilege to be in, student are expected to be leaders on campus. This means students need to attend all of their classes and be on time. While tardies and absences do happen, if they become habitual then the students and AVID instructor will need to have a conversation about their future in AVID. 2) Be a Leader Via Your Actions: Not every leader is a vocal leader but we can all be leaders in the way we conduct ourselves in and out of the classroom. AVID students are expected to be model students in how they treat their peers, their instructors, substitute teachers and campus support staff.
3) Respect the Diversity that Makes Our School Great: It is AVID'S policy to support and value diversity.To do so requires that we:
Respect the dignity and essential worth of all individuals.
Respect the privacy, property, and freedom of others.
Reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, or intimidation of any kind.
Practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others.
Promote the diversity of opinions and backgrounds which is the lifeblood of this class.
4) Be Involved in One (1) Thing Either In or Out of School: Because AVID'S main objective to help students prepare for life after high school, AVID students need to continually be building their resume of experiences. Whether it is participation in a sport, a club or school activity such as the performing arts, students need to be involved in something every term while they are at Thurston High School. While these activities can be done at Thurston High, they are not limited to being school-only activities. Activities such as participation in youth groups, scouts, search and rescue and paid employment are just a few of the examples of activities that would also count for being involved as an AVID student.
5) Attend a Minimum of Five (5) School Events During Second Semester: Later this week, Mr Underwood will put out a list of school sponsored activities that students have the choice of attending. These events will range from sporting events, to theatre/musical events to school sponsored events such as club celebrations, dances, and/or fundraising events. Students will be given an "Activity Passport" that they will need to keep track of during the semester. Pro Tip: Don't wait until it is too late... Once we hit the end of May/early June, there are a lot less opportunities to support your peers.
Student Agreements
Below are are list of student generated agreements for our AVID 9 Class. Please review them as we start second semester.
1) Look Out For Each Other: AVID students should look out for each other on campus. While not all AVID students are going to be best friends, AVID students should do their best to look out for each other in other classes and around campus. If you see another AVID student who needs help, a positive boost or intervention, please do your part to either help them or notify the instructor.
2) Try New Things: No two terms will ever be the same in AVID. Please avoid the "This is what we always do trap." AVID is meant to challenge students and introduce them to new ideas, and experiences.
3) Be Kind: Because we spend a lot of time together, we will become like a family. The irony is often times the people we love the most... are the ones we treat the worst. Please be respectful of our peers, the instructor and any/all classroom guests.
Supplies Needed for AVID 9
Please refer to this list below of AVID 9 Supplies
3-ring binders, 2” or 3" with pocket inserts
Colored tab subject dividers to separate classes
Zipper pouch to store supplies
3 or more pens
3 or more pencils
2 Highlighters
Notebook paper/Blank White Paper
*Please note a 3 hole punch is available in the back of the class.
Feel free to come talk or email Mr Underwood at [email protected] if you have any additional questions not addressed.