Below are a list of Frequently Asked Questions in Mr Underwood's class.
How do you structure your class?
I am usually an educator who utilizes project and group based learning in my classroom but because of COVID and our current limitations, our daily class is usually structured like this: 10min: Introductions and general discussion about current events or campus events 40min: Direct Instruction which includes notes, short videos about content we are currently covering 35min: Individual Learning Time which includes, reading, geography and graphical analysis and watching longer videos about the content being discussed. This individual learning time is especially important for those who find themselves learning from home due to medical or extraneous reasons that don't allow them to be in class.
The most common reason students are struggling is
1) Missing Assignments: Overwhelmingly the majority of the Fs in my classes are because of missing assignments. Anytime you see a 50% (15/30, 20/40, etc) it is because on the teacher's side of the gradebook, it looks like it has yet to be turned in. Mistakes due happen so please encourage your students to speak with the teacher directly if they think there has been an error. 2) Missing School Days: More than any other year, students have missed large amounts of time in the classroom for a myriad of reasons. While missing school alone does not excuse students from having to turn in work, it is important to know that students are always allowed to complete work from home and/or turn in assignments late. Have your student contact Mr Underwood when they are gone and/or when they return and Mr Underwood will always be willing to work with them on making assignments up.
Gradebooks have been a issue this year
Perhaps the hardest part of returning to in-class instruction this year has been trying to get grades and student progress communicated to both students and parents. The two biggest reasons for this are:
1) Tech Issues: From student technology issues to district network and classroom technology issues, there are times when students have clearly done the work but technology has not allowed us to updated our records or communicate that with parents via our online gradebooks. I usually recommend checking both StudentVue/ParentVue, as well as, having your student check Google Classroom because sometimes only one or the other might be updated and there is a lag in getting the two platforms to communicate.
2) Classrooms are filled to the max: In previous years, an average teacher at Thurston had around 150 total students during a semester. This year, there are several teachers that have 210+ students. That extra 50-60 students creates a lag in grading so sometimes it is very possible the student has turned it in but the staff member is still working their way through grading all of the assignments. Most teachers have been awesome about giving extensions and grace and that is something that goes a long way when students and families can do the same given these unprecedented times in education.
What can my student do if they are behind?
The two most important things you can have your student do if they are looking to improve their grade are:
1) Complete, Retake or Redo Summative Assessments: Because these are worth 70% of the student's total grade, these provide the biggest "bang for their buck" when it comes to getting caught up and raising their grade. Sometimes the window for turning in or taking an assessment has closed but simply ask Mr Underwood and he can extend or reopen the submission window for individuals wanting to get caught up or improve their grade.
2) Talk to Mr Underwood: Mr Underwood is always willing to work with students. Talking to Mr Underwood in person will allow him to understand your personal or specific situation. While it is expected that students complete all assigned tasks their are always opportunities for exceptions, exemptions, extensions and modifications. Encourage your student to advocate for themselves by talking to Mr Underwood and he will be always willing to work with them.
Question Not Answered?
Feel free to email Mr Underwood at [email protected] if you have any additional questions not addressed.