Over the next 18 weeks we will be investigating a number of important events in US History. From the aftermath of World War II, to the Vietnam War to the tragedy on 9/11, we will be inquiring about a number of historical issues that shaped the United States.
Class Objectives
Students will learn the political geography of North, South and Central America
Students will critically evaluate the decision to drop the atomic bomb.
Students will understand how the aftermath of World War II led to the start of the Cold War
Students will identify the factors that led the Civil Rights Movement.
Students will understand the role the US played during the Vietnam War.
Students will explore how the tumultuous 1970's shaped many of the decisions and attitudes in the 1980s.
Students will understand the tragedy of 9/11 and what factors caused this horrific event, as well as, how the aftermath has shaped our modern day country.
Grading and Summary of Course Work
Grades will be based on the following categories 80 % Summative (Assessments/Tests/Projects) 20 % Formative (Warm-Ups/Homework/etc) Please note the best way to tell which assignments or summative vs formative is by looking at the pont value. Any assignment between 0-40pts will be a formative assessment, while any assignment worth more than 50pts will be a summative assessment.
50% Missing Work Policy: Once a formative assignment is late, a default score of 50% will be designated in the grade book. Students will still be allowed to make up any assignments given a 50% score for full credit. Please note, however, there are four late work deadlines during the semester.
It is also important to note that only summative assessments can be done late or retaken for a higher grade. Those needing to turn in a summative assessment late or retake it for a high score must complete it by the late deadline. After the nearest late work deadline has passed, no make-ups for that summative assessment will be allowed. The late work deadlines for the school year are:
Schoolwide Late work Deadlines: Semester 1: Oct 5; Oct 26; Dec. 7th; Jan 25 Semester 2: Feb 29; Apr 11; May 9; June 6
Class Symbols and Codes to be Aware of: Below are a list of class codes and symbols to be aware of when viewing assignments on Google Classroom and Student Vue. ✔️General Material for this class ✅Material needed for completing assignments ❗️Graded assignment or assessment due for this class
Respect for Diversity:
It is my policy to support and value diversity.To do so requires that we:
Respect the dignity and essential worth of all individuals.
Respect the privacy, property, and freedom of others.
Reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, or intimidation of any kind.
Practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others.
Promote the diversity of opinions and backgrounds which is the lifeblood of this class.
Contacting the Instructor
Email:[email protected] *Please be sure to put your name in the subject line
Classroom Phone Number: (541) 744-5000 *Please use this number if you need to leave a message with Mr Underwood in the Main Office
Spanish Speaking Support
Si necesita más información en Español sobre esta clase, por favor comuníquese con Corinne Whelan por correo electrónico [email protected]